Sign Up for an Auth0 Account

Ryan Chenkie: [0:00] To sign up for an Auth0 account, go to, and then come over to sign up. You can enter your email and password there, and then click Sign Up. I'm actually going to work from my existing account here. This is the account that I had in place for developing the course.

[0:17] From this account, I can just create a new tenant. That's what I'll do here, but you should see a screen similar to this as you go through the signup flow for the first time. Of course, if you already have an Auth0 account, you're going to see something similar to this.

[0:31] Put in a tenant name. I'm going to put in React Security, and I'm going to keep the default US region. But if your users are closer to Europe or Australia, you've got those options as well. Come down and click Create.

[0:45] Once we're in, we'll see that we've got a 22-day period where we can use this account for free. However, the free plan that Auth0 provides, which exclude some of the features that we get access to right away, is still really generous. It gives us 7,000 users for free and two social providers, so it can be used to accomplish quite a bit at no cost to you.

[1:06] Come down to this second box here where it says, "Integrate Auth0 into your application," and click Create application. For the application name, let's put in Orbit app. Let's say that this is a single-page application. Come down and click Create.

[1:21] We get a list of technologies to choose from, and we can say, "React". Selecting React as our technology is just going to show us the documentation for bringing React into our application.

[1:31] Now at the time of this recording, these docs are actually kind of out of date with what we'll be covering. The way that we're going to implement Auth0 is with a newer library that includes some custom Hooks.

[1:42] By the time you watch this, this documentation here might be dealing with React Hooks. But if it doesn't, just ignore this for now, and we'll cover how to get everything set up in this module. Come over to applications. In here, we get this generic default app that gets created. I like to go ahead right away and just delete that.

[2:00] Come down to the very bottom to the danger zone and click Delete. We just need to type in the name of the application, which is Default App, and we can delete it.